Testament Business Academy (TEBA) is a professional and academic institution offering executive business education and continuing professional development programmes that position you on the cutting edge of your dreams and total learning goals for your maximum project and service delivery.


To be the stream of true business and kingdom knowledge for inter-generational exploits.


To raise generations that are sound in Biblical wisdom and business acumen.


  1. Training: We teach, coach and mentor individuals and groups for active professional development
  2. Everybody: Everyone counts in our teaching-learning strategies and theories
  3. Business: All our programmes are excellently directed to the development of global business practices and data comprehension
  4. Acumen: We give excess room and access for professional, marketplace and corporate development and capacity building


  1. Develop Strategic Thinking: Business management programs aim to equip students with the skills to think strategically and make informed decisions to advance their business.
  2. Foster Leadership Skills: Business management programs aim to develop leadership skills, such as effective communication, team management, and problem-solving abilities, to lead teams and grow a business.
  3. Build Business Acumen: One of the primary goals of a business management program is to help students develop a deep understanding of business principles, practices, and operations.
  4. Enhance Entrepreneurial Skills: Business management programs aim to nurture entrepreneurship by developing risk-taking abilities, financial management, and innovation skills.
  5. Promote Ethical and Social Responsibility: Business management programs aim to instill ethical and social responsibility by developing awareness of the impact of business practices on society, ethical decision-making, and corporate social responsibility.


"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success"
(Joshua 1:8 ESV).



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